postLoader 4.b42 * fixed covers for channel browser (thx daxtsu) postLoader 4.b41 * Added support for DM2.2 (previous versions of DM are no more supported) * Removed "DM(L): Video mode" when in devolution mode * Devolution: added video configuration like the sample loader * plugin.con and icons are now in the separated plugin package (actually v3) * fixed a crash when the stub is dumped the first time postLoader 4.b40 * better stub handling (postloader forwarder channel is now required to go back to postloader) * gamecube games browsing is now fixed * fixed the crash on exit of some homebrews postLoader 4.b39 * corrected iso names in devolution mode (thx daxtsu) postLoader 4.b38 * postLoader will now ask to dump your hbc stub. This is required one. You cannot do this in neek2o, as postloader must be executed by hbc to save the stub. * corrected font size on some menu postLoader 4.b37 * di, corrected a return value checking for gamecube/wii disc * updated usbstorage to latest used in usbloaderGX/wiiflow (still postloader has problems running with ciosx v9) * devolution has problems with FIX94 stub, like the old stub postloader was using (take from priiloader). Using the stub from hbc1.1.0 it works as should. This is a temporaly solution. * support for gc games in /games/.iso (only in devolution mode). A game rebuild is required when changing mode. This is done automatically postLoader 4.b36 * Adopted stub by FIX94 * Before devo is executed, stub is updated even if "Patch stub and use return to HBC method" is not active * code clean * Corrected online menu font size * fixed sorting issues in homebrew browser * di module should now support gamecube retail disk (note that you have to comment #define DOLPHINE in globals.h to make a working dol) postLoader 4.b35 * added support to Devolution. (thx to tueidj (sample loader) / fix94 (wiiflow implementation) / daxtsu-wever-gartmiusprime (testing)) > loader.bin must be copied in /ploader/plugins. > images must be in /games//game.iso (like dml). > postloader will check if a gc memory card is present, if no, emulated one is used. * emu filters shown now only plugins with associated roms * up to 16536 roms can be browsed (even if I think is a crazy number, but until ram is available....) * adjusted roms structure (about 192Kb are saved). * "go to page" adjusted to be able to manage all that roms (kuwanger) * added mutex on covercache_get. This may have solved postloader random hang * added better and faster control for missing covers, so covercache thread don't need to check for them. * new case insensitive strstr. This give a general speedup to postloader ( insensitive-strstr) * code clean postLoader 4.b34 * increased the buffer for filter menu (thx kuwanger) * now postLoader uses single or double fb as required * performed a lot of code clean (thx kuwanger) * it seems that b34 has stopped to randomly hang postLoader 4.b33 * wiiload (network) has been rearranged to allow file of (almost) any dimension to be transferred. Now sd or usb dev are used to bufferize the transfer. With a slow sd based setup (/ploader folder on sd), some dalays are possibile. * wiiload accepts wads files via wiiload protocol. If a wad is send to postloader, postloader will move it to sd://wad (or usb://wad if sd is not available) * wiiload is now compatible with TransmitMii 1.3. * To send large wads, person66's sharpii is required (in dol mode, * during wiiload self update a wait panel is now shown * covercache, added a cache for not existing items. This should allow much less access to devices. * covercache has variable thread priority * fixed a memory leak in ttf font managment * better checking of ttf wide chars coversion * back to double buffered fb as there where artefacts during page change * smoother page change effect postLoader 4.b32 * emu default icons can now be added to theme. If they are not present, standard one are used * corrected a little issue when applying background tiles using themes * fixed fonts for homebrew app menu (thx gl1mml1ng) * semplified render process. Now only one fb is used. * increased covercache items * under neek gc and wii games are no more mixed in wii games view (thx etheboss for your diconfig.bin) * added support for emulators icon (check holoDark2 theme on googlecode, thx gl1mml1ng) postLoader 4.b31 * screensaver will play also emu covers * added a timeout on covercache thread stop * postloader icons can be loaded from themes... check holoDark theme postLoader 4.b30 * solved some issue with fonts * now fonts have correct proportions * smoother wiimote ir pointer movement during page tranitions * now focus over icons can be gained even when botombar and topbar are opening/closing * moved and reduced in size the text for emulators icon. * new emu icons for roms without cover, with the space for the text * new small font for emu icon text and filter selection. Let me know if it is readable. * added in support for Parental Controls on hidden homebrew apps, games, channels, and emulators (thx daxtsu) * chenged the way usb is mounted in (s/n)neek(2o) * corrected daxsu to daxtsu :P ;) postLoader 4.b29 * fixed all issues with supported controller (and extensions). Repeat should work fine for all... * corrected a dump after the last song (thx Geren) * adotped plugin.conf by wever ;) (but renamed wiimednafen-mod3 to wiimednafen.dol) * added emuicons for roms without cover (see plugin.conf). Covers height and width must be divisible by 4 * corrected displaying of hidden games postLoader 4.b28 * removed crosscheck of dml for sd games. This will give a great speedup for fst games scan, but will not check consistency from game on usb and the same on sd. (thx FIX94 for pointing that) * removed an useless space check during dml scanner * corrected autorepeat for wiimote keys (you can now keep +/- pressed to change pages) * fixed classic controllers button and key repeat (thx daxtu!) * added DML1.x and DM2.x cheats support (thx daxtu) * removed source path from emulators filters (thx wever) * corrected DM2.x game search (games on both sd and usb where not listed) (thx wever) * remove bottom bar neek icon when postloader is already running in neek (thx wever) * corrected gamecube game section under neek